Fascial Stretch Therapy

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What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) improves the mobility of your nerves and the flexibility of your muscles and fascia by focusing on the fascial lines that connect through and wrap around muscle, nerves, organs, and just about everything else in your body.

What is Fascia?
Fascia surrounds each muscle and connects them to each other both superficially and deep. It also connects tendons, ligaments, and bone to form a body-wide, functional network. Fascia connects to all of your organs and systems too.

Is Fascial Stretch Therapy For You?
FST is the most beneficial for people who are very active, have muscle tightness, or restricted range of motion!

Daniel Smikle is a manual osteopathic practitioner, registered kinesiologist, and certified exercise physiologist. He has over ten years of fitness training experience, focusing on orthopedics. He also has his Level 3 Fascial Stretch Therapy Specialist certification from the Stretch to Win Institute!

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