Concussion Management

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A concussion is a type of brain injury caused by a blow, jolt, bump, or violent shaking to the head. It is a serious form of head trauma that requires proper attention and care to prevent further injury and long-term impairment. Most concussions are the result of a motor vehicle accident (MVA) or sports-related injury. Some signs of a concussion are:

  • Headache, dizziness, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound

  • Difficulty with attention, concentration, and memory

  • Irritability, anxiety, depression, impulsiveness

  • Difficulty falling asleep, sleeping more than usual, fatigue, drowsiness

Shar offers baseline testing for those at high risk of concussions and concussion management for those who have a confirmed concussion incident.

Concussion therapists understand that concussion recovery can be a challenging and frustrating time. We understand that each person is affected differently and as such, requires individualized care. Shar will create a unique concussion management strategy and treatment plan for you, which includes:

  • Individualized resting strategies and instructions for at-home care

  • Specific recommendations based on employment, academic, and athletic demands

  • Manual therapy for associated complaints and symptoms (such as massage therapy and osteopathy)

  • Screening and referrals for vision therapy (if necessary)

  • Rehabilitation: balance, coordination, and vestibular-based

  • Physical exertion testing and exercise plans for return-to-work, school, or sports

*If you have had a head trauma and are experiencing any of these symptoms please see a health care professional as soon as possible!


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